Biden Administration Releases Its Budget Proposal

Here’s how it supports mothers and families:

  • The American Families Plan will provide direct support to families to ensure that low- and middle-income families spend no more than seven percent of their income on child care, and that the child care they access is of high quality. It will also provide direct support to workers and families by creating a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program that will bring the American system in line with competitor nations that offer paid leave programs. And, the plan will provide critical nutritional assistance to families who need it most and expand access to healthy meals to our Nation’s students – dramatically reducing childhood hunger.

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Adverse Babyhood Experiences (ABEs): 10 New Categories of Adversity Before a Child's 3rd Birthday


Adverse babyhood experiences (ABEs) are a new construct derived from large bodies of research that identify a different group of risk factors from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ABEs influence infant and maternal morbidity and mortality as well as risk for chronic illnesses and other chronic conditions in the child as well as symptoms in fathers and other partners.

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May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month.

Here are 9 ideas for how YOU can build momentum to improve #MaternalMentalHealth:

  1. Join us May 20 for a Maternal Mental Health Day of Action to call/email your members of Congress to support the #MomsMatterAct

  2. Are you a mom or family member with lived experience with maternal mental health (MMH) disorders? If so, share your story in TheBlueDotProject story bank.

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The 2021 FORUM Line up

Here are Descriptions of the Full 3-Day Program Lineup!

Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health
The 2021 Reset:
Redesigning Policy and Systems So All Mothers Can Thrive
Wednesday-Friday, March 24-26, 2021

Registration doesn’t close until Friday, after the last session.
For just $55, get a front seat ticket to any/all of the sessions that pique your interest.

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California Maternal Mental Health Law Reintroduced: The Mothers and Children Mental Health Support Act of 2021 Telehealth: Mental Health Consultation

In late February AB 935, the Mothers and Children Mental Health Support Act of 2021: Telehealth: Mental Health Consultation, was reintroduced in the California legislature by Assembly member Brian Maienschein.

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What We're Reading

Here are the articles and research that caught my eye the last month and a half.

Though America is still suffering great levels of distress due to the pandemic, the articles below also highlight emerging solutions -including a statewide diaper bank, changes in telehealth access, the COVID Help app developed by the national center for PTSD, and more. There is also research highlighting better health care may be delivered by women and the reasons why this might be the case.

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What We're Reading

2020 Mom does a monthly news round up, so you don’t have to. These are the articles that caught our attention these last 45 days. Which of these articles most intrigues you?

A Step to Ease the Pandemic Mental Health Crisis

A set of simple measures known as psychological first aid or mental health first aid can enable people to help family, friends, and others in their communities who experience psychological distress...

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New Model State Parity Legislation Named in Honor of Former U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad

Tool will help policymakers increase access to mental health and addiction care amid historic rates of overdoses and suicides across the nation

Today, The Kennedy Forum released the Jim Ramstad Model State Parity Legislation, which will hold health insurers accountable for discriminating against those with mental health and substance use disorders by wrongly denying coverage of care.

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What We're Reading

In the last 30+ days, these are the articles and issues that caught my eye. I noticed a good dose of the hard to hear facts about mental health, and also articles about hope - how to solve for racism in health care, how telemedicine is finally getting its day (from payors, where the rubber meets the road), and hope for the Affordable Care Act. There is also an interesting new piece of research about circadian “misalignment” in shift workers, which could have interesting implications for mothers who may also be “misaligned” with circadian rhythms/sleep.

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U.S. Government Releases Comprehensive Plan for Improving Maternal Health, Including Mental Health, and Reducing Maternal Death: Cut rates In Half by 2025

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Surgeon General announced on Thursday a coordinated agency plan and Surgeon General call to action to urgently reduce maternal mortality (reduce preventable pregnancy-related & associated deaths) and improve maternal health in the U.S.

The HHS plan is comprehensive and includes a focus on implementing evidence-based measures to reduce maternal mortality by as much as half in five years.

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