Financial Information
2020 Mom (DBA Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health) is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to 2020 Mom are tax-deductible. 2020 Mom’s tax identification number is 45-5009704.
In the interest of transparency, the documents below provide information on how 2020 Mom spends the dollars so generously donated in support of our mission. We are grateful for the trust our donors and funders place in us, and it is our unwavering pledge to use the financial support they provide wisely, efficiently, and for the best possible maternal mental health outcomes.
IRS 990 Filings (Fiscal year begins October 1)
Audited Financials
2022 - 2023
It is our policy to have an independent financial audit every other year (which is acceptable to our philanthropic partners).