Our 3 Most Popular Webinars of 2022
By the 2020 Mom Communications Team
This year we had amazing participation in our webinars. We’ve gathered our three most popular webinars. Check out the countdown, and watch any you may have missed!
Webinar #3: Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Maternal Mental Health
Access to reproductive healthcare has been shown to impact rates of Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDs). During this webinar, 2020 Mom discussed the release of its issue brief titled Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Maternal Mental Health and explored the brief’s key highlights with leaders in the field, this included:
A general overview of reproductive healthcare
Research on the relationships between maternal mental health and access to birth control, family planning counseling, and abortion
The Biden-Harris Administration's position on access to reproductive healthcare
The key levers for change to increase access to reproductive healthcare to reduce the impact of MMHDs
By presenting the available research on these multifaceted relationships, 2020 Mom aims to provide a call to action for policymakers, advocates, and health insurers.
WEBINAR #2: The Latest Developments in Maternal Mental Health Screening
This webinar covers:
Recommended screening tools, featured in 2020 Mom’s Universal Screening Issue Brief, including use of the PHQ-4 (a short screener to identify anxiety and depression) and when to screen for suicide risk, for example.
To highlight the screening tools: Considerations for culturally relevant/sensitive screening tools
The new National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) HEDIS screening measures and the first set of U.S. screening rates.
Screening timeframe recommendations, including MMHLA’s partner advocacy organizations’ forthcoming recommendations.
Actions being led by 2020 Mom to increase obstetric provider screening rates, including addressing obstetric provider reimbursement and care navigation efforts.
WEBINAR # 1: Maternal Suicide in the U.S., The Latest Research & Data Collection Efforts
This webinar covers:
A general overview of maternal suicide statistics in the US
Updated data from the CDC on Maternal Mortality Review Committees and pregnancy-related suicide deaths.
How states are improving suicide detection in their MMRC process, including the role of informant interviews in identifying maternal suicide deaths, a process adopted by the Delaware MMRC and others
2020 Mom’s latest issue brief - suicide tracking and prevention
Colorado’s latest report illustrates suicide is the top cause of maternal death, and efforts the PQC is championing
Challenges and opportunities
Webinar link
Webinar slides
Executive Summary of the Upcoming Report on Maternal Suicide link
Blog: CDC: Maternal Mental Health Disorders are the Leading cause of Pregnancy-Related Deaths