Action Alert: Support Access to Contraception!
By Sarah Johanek, MPH and Joy Burkhard, MBA
Take two minutes and two clicks to tell Congress to pass legislation to improve access to contraception care, particularly now, post the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
In December 2022, 2020 Mom published an issue brief on Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Maternal Mental Health which addresses the link between access to reproductive healthcare and maternal mental health.
The brief provides calls to action for various stakeholder groups, including Congress, to expand access health care coverage through a federal postpartum Medicaid extension plan, and to contraception, particularly after the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
As of May 2022, 72% of Americans believe birth control should be made free and available for everyone if abortion is not legal.1 Yet women and families may face political risks of reduced access to contraception as well.
You can help bring contraception access to more women in the U.S. by telling Congress to:
Pass the Expanding Access to Family Planning Act (S. 5540 and H.R. 8424),
Pass The Right to Contraception Act (HR. 8373), and
Establish permanent, nationwide 12-month postpartum Medicaid coverage
Please take two minutes and one click of a button to tell Congress now is the time to support access to contraception by clicking here.
1Johnson, J. (2022, May 12). Poll finds widespread birth control access popular if abortion outlawed. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from