Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts in 2022
By the 2020 Mom Communications Team
We’ve gathered the most viewed blogs published this year and listed those covering Policy topics separately. See if you’ve read them all as you skim through the countdown.
Top Blogs
BLOG #5: Let’s Talk About Maternal Mental Health & Asian American/Pacific Islander Moms
Research has shown that Asian women are nearly 9 times more likely to report thoughts about suicide compared to white women in the immediate postpartum period, and yet, there remains a huge gap in culturally competent maternal mental health resources for Asian moms.
BLOG #4: It’s Time to Talk About Maternal Substance Use
The intersection of maternal mental health and maternal substance use is multi-layered and complex, but just the knowledge of how common these behavioral health conditions are can decrease stigma.
BLOG #3: U.S. Maternal Depression Screening Rates Released for the First Time Through HEDIS
The first set of U.S. maternal depression screening data is now available - through HEDIS. Not surprisingly, screening in both pregnancy and the postpartum period was reported at less than 20%.
BLOG #2: Universal Screening Issue Brief Released
Universal Screening or assessment for maternal mental health (MMH) disorders, like postpartum depression, is recommended by all leading medical and provider associations. The need for improved screening rates has recently gained more traction with providers and the media given the pandemic’s impact on mothers and mental health and with the heightened interest in maternal mortality, including suicide.
BLOG #1: 2020 Mom Announces 2022-2025 Strategic Priorities and New Board Members Priya Bathija, Rosanna Durruthy & Julie Stadlbauer
We announced our focus on improvements to screening and diagnosis, insurance coverage and reimbursement, and build-up of providers and treatments, as we expanded our Board of Directors.
Top Blogs Focusing on the Topic of Policy
POLICY BLOG #5: World Health Organization Releases New Recommendations on Maternal Postnatal Experience
This guideline updates and expands upon the 2014 WHO recommendations on postnatal care of the mother and newborn and are intended to inform the development of relevant national and subnational health policies, clinical protocols and programmatic guides.
POLICY BLOG #4: Why The Moms Matter Act?
The Moms Matter Act (H.R. 909/S. 484), specifically targets expanding access to treatment for maternal health conditions to women of color, or those who are economically disadvantaged.
POLICY BLOG #3: CMS Proposes New Rules Including Hospital “Birthing Friendly” Designation to Address Quality and Equity
The proposed rule addresses actions inpatient and long-term hospitals must take to improve maternal health in delivery settings and ties those actions to Medicaid reimbursement.
POLICY BLOG #2: An Open Letter to the White House: Our Analysis of Maternal Mental Health Actions in the Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis
This blueprint is the Administration’s call to action to prioritize the health of women, reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, diminish disparities in maternal health outcomes, and improve the experiences of those who are pregnant. The blueprint consists of five main goals with 50 actions that more than a dozen federal agencies will undertake to meet the administration’s goals.
POLICY BLOG #1: Updates to ACA Insurance Plans for 2023 and the Upcoming Expiration of Subsidies
The 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan final rule seeks to expand access to care through the addition of guardrails to ensure insurance plan designs are comprehensive and clinically based for consumers.