Board Member Spotlight: Robin Hooper, LCSW
Another in a series intended to showcase our advocates and team members and their story in the arena of maternal mental health care.
Robin’s story:
CHICAGO, IL - I knew I wanted to work with children and families since I was 15 years old. I have fulfilled this goal in many different roles over my career as a social worker. I have been in search of a “life’s work” for many years and I have found it in maternal mental health. I have made a commitment to myself that I will do this work for the rest of my life in some capacity. There is so much needless suffering that would not occur if moms were better educated and stigma was less. My drive comes from the memory of the mommies that did not make it out of the darkness and knowing how close I was to not making it out either.
Q: What compelled you to join the board of 2020 Mom?
A: 2020 Mom is unwavering in its clear goal to close gaps in maternal mental health care. When I heard about the organization, I jumped at the opportunity for my organization at that time, to adopt the whole mom project for insurance. I was so impressed by the leadership and the mission, I traveled to DC to for the first Lobby Days. I was invited to become more involved, and eventually, to join the board. I couldn’t be more proud to sit with such a talented group of change makers.
Q: 2020 Mom’s mission is to close the gaps in maternal mental health care. What’s your big hope for how 2020 Mom can fulfill this bold mission?
A: My big hope is for the Blue Dot, through 2020 Mom, to become as well known a symbol as the pink ribbon.
Q: If you can choose to have a superpower, what would it be and why?
A: As a trained therapist, it is not much of a surprise that I would choose the superpower of healing.
Do you have a "My Why" story, about why you are going deep with 2020 Mom, that you'd like to share on our blog? If so click here.