September 26 is World Contraception Day
By Rebecca Britt, MA
Every year on September 26th, World Contraception Day is observed to raise awareness about the importance of access to safe and effective contraception.
While contraception is often associated with family planning and preventing unintended pregnancies, it plays a far more significant role in maternal mental health than we might realize.
The Connection Between Contraception and Maternal Mental Health
Contraception grants individuals and couples the power to choose when and how they want to start or expand their families. This choice is a cornerstone of maternal mental health, offering empowerment and alleviating concerns about unplanned pregnancies.
Our issue brief titled “The Link: Family Planning and Maternal Mental Health” outlines key research regarding the relationships between the ability to decide when and how often to have children and maternal mental health.
As we honor World Contraception Day on September 26, 2023, we recognize the imperative role contraception plays in contributing to the mental well-being of women and mothers; creating a world where every woman has the opportunity to make the best choices for her reproductive health and overall happiness.
Learn More About the Link Between Family Planning and Maternal Mental Health
The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health released an updated version of the issue brief titled “The Link: Family Planning and Maternal Mental Health” on July 12th, 2023, in conjunction with the Congressional Briefing: The Latest Insights and Opportunities for Improving Family Planning Options for Maternal Wellbeing.
Related blog post: Federal Government Leans on Contraception Access