CMS Announces Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Care Framework
By Joy Burkhard, MBA
Executive Director
In December, the federal Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) announced a new framework for supporting improved maternal healthcare delivery for Medicaid enrollees referred to as the Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model.
TMaH is focused on improving maternal health care for people enrolled in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The model will support participating state Medicaid agencies (SMAs) in the development of a whole-person approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care that addresses the physical, mental health, and social needs experienced during pregnancy. The project will provide SMAs with targeted support through funding and technical assistance, including developing a value-based alternative payment model for maternity care services. Participating SMAs will:
Address increasing obstetric workforce to improve access through providers such as midwives, doulas, and perinatal Community Health Workers (CHW)
Implement quality initiatives, including the HRSA Maternity Care Alliance on Innovation in Maternal Health AIM bundles.
Address the Whole Person, including mental health and other basic needs -determinants of health.
CMS notes Medicaid Health Plans (Managed Care Organizations- MCOs), Perinatal Quality Collaboratives, hospitals, birth centers, health centers and rural health clinics, maternity care providers, and community-based organizations are critical collaborators to model success.
The project is expected to run for 10 years.
The Policy Center will continue to track this project, including supporting CMS in considering maternal mental health in the program. Sign up for our eNews so you don’t miss updates about this program.