Our Top Five 2023 Achievements in Maternal Mental Health
By The Policy Center Team
Here are the top five 2023 maternal mental health accomplishments we are most excited about:
5. Risk and Resources Map
With support from Plum Organics, the Policy Center developed a groundbreaking Risk and Resources Map. This map identifies areas in the U.S. with the greatest risk for maternal mental health disorders and areas with the greatest gaps in maternal mental health care provider workforce. This map is helping state agencies, non-profits, and philanthropy to prioritize areas with the greatest risk and need for support.
4. Maternal Mental Health Report Cards
The release of the inaugural Maternal Mental Health Report Cards was a milestone for the field and nation offering a comprehensive view of the state of maternal mental health in America. We are grateful to the private donor who made this year’s report card possible and to our partners at The George Washington Milken School of Public Health and Clue Research.
3. Maternal Mental Health Policy Roadmap
Our commitment to identifying solutions continued with the release of the Maternal Mental Health Policy Roadmap. This comprehensive guide outlines state and federal policy opportunities, emphasizing the shared responsibility of stakeholders in improving maternal mental health.
2. ZURZUVAE™, a Pill for Postpartum Depression
The approval of zuranolone, branded as ZURZUVAE, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration brought a breakthrough in postpartum depression treatment. This medication, developed by Sage Therapeutics, is taken daily for 14 days and provides a targeted approach to addressing depression after delivery. We are working to ensure insurance covers this treatment without complex restrictions or high copays.
1. Federal Maternal Mental Health Task Force
September 27th marked the launch of the Federal Task Force on Maternal Mental Health. This development brings excitement to the maternal mental health landscape, signaling a concerted effort at the federal level to address and improve maternal mental health. Thank you to the Perigee Fund for funding our federal policy work and making passage of the TRIUMPH for New Moms Act, which called for the task force, possible.
2023 has been a year of incredible growth, and we’re not stopping here. We invite you to join us in making even more giant strides in maternal mental health care by donating today.
Your gift will go directly to our efforts catalyzing the field in initiatives like the ones above.
We want to hear what maternal mental health developments you were most excited about this year. Let us know by leaving a comment below.