Maternal Suicide Brief Released
By Cindy Herrick, MA, PMH-C, CPSS
Since 2018, 2020 Mom has been working to highlight the issue of maternal suicide and drive action to improve maternal suicide rates in the US. As maternal suicide is a leading cause of maternal mortality in the US and is intricately connected with maternal mental health disorders, 2020 Mom has been a strong proponent and a catalyst for the implementation and integration of suicide prevention programs into maternal healthcare.
This week, 2020 Mom released his week, 2020 Mom released an issue brief on maternal suicide, which presents the latest facts and issues on maternal suicide, including:
Risk factors for maternal suicide
Race and maternal suicidality
Maternal suicide prevention strategies and programs include:
Screening for maternal suicidality
Evidence-based interventions, treatments, and strategies
The Zero Suicide Framework
The latest on maternal suicide data collection in the US
Emerging considerations that address current evidence, systems, and policy gaps in maternal suicide prevention.
A special thanks to Susanna Trost, MPH, a CDC Foundation Epidemiologist placed with the Division of Reproductive Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to Julie Goldstein Grumet, Ph.D., Director of Zero Suicide Institute at the Education Development Center, for their review and feedback on this issue brief.