House Passes 2022 Health Funding Bill
By Shalini Wickramatilake, MHS
On July 29th, the full House of Representatives passed an appropriations minibus package that included the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (L-HHS) funding bill for fiscal year (FY) 2022 (October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022). The L-HHS bill includes increased funding for several mental health, maternal health, substance use, and other public health programs. The bill passed along party lines with a vote of 219-208.
The Senate must also go through the process of passing their own L-HHS bill, along with 11 other appropriations bills, but isn’t expected to do so until the fall. If House and Senate lawmakers do not reach a final FY 2022 appropriations deal before October 1, 2021, they will need to pass a stopgap funding measure, called a continuing resolution, to keep the government funded at FY 2021 levels until they are able to pass a final FY 2022 bill. In the absence of a final FY 2022 deal or continuing resolution by October 1st, there is a risk of a government shutdown.
For a detailed overview of the House-passed L-HHS funding, please click here.
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