A statement from John Smith, Board Chair
#NoJusticeNoPeace. Recent events of police brutality and killing of African-American men are a part of a long, horrific history of injustices that aim to dismantle families and create mental, physical, and economic anguish. African-American mothers face even greater stress compounded by the plague of racism. She prays daily that her husband, son, and daughter are protected & come home safely without incidents due to the color of their beautiful skin. The disproportionate share of women of African descent that either die from complications in childbirth or suffer from maternal mental health concerns is a huge concern for me as a man of African descent and member of the Board of Directors for 2020 Mom.
I’m pleased that 2020 Mom denounces racism in all its forms and will continue to look to partner with like-minded people & organizations to help heal African-American communities as an ongoing commitment within its strategic plan. #NoMore.
A statement from Joy Burkhard, Executive Director
I am someone who holds a deep love and respect for all people regardless of the color of their skin, particularly those in pain and who are not heard. But, just as many of us will never truly know what it feels like to experience preventable near-death on the labor and delivery table, or the gut-wrenching hurt of a deep, dark depression, though I can imagine with all my heart, I will never truly know what it’s like to be black in America. I’ve been grateful to have John and Kay Matthews of The Shades of Blue Project continue to guide 2020 Mom and honor the work and leadership of the Black Mamas Matter Alliance.
Together we know:
It takes more than showing support in the moment, it’s about taking long-term action;
by lifting up even more voices of black mamas, our sisters;
and by declaring we denounce racism.