Gaps in Maternal OCD Being Addressed Through New Partnership

2020 Mom Logo
International OCD Foundation

Perinatal OCD is a relatively common maternal mental health condition, impacting up to 5% of those who are pregnant and postpartum; yet symptoms, like intrusive thoughts, often confuse patients and providers alike.

To bring this conversation to the forefront, 2020 Mom and the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) formed a partnership and steering committee to more specifically identify gaps, and address them in maternal OCD research, awareness, and screening/treatment.

Three committees are being formed to address each of these areas:


This committee will:

  • Conduct and aim to publish, a literature review

  • Identify research needs

  • Suggest how these opportunities might be prioritized

Provider Awareness, Training and Intervention

This committee will:

  • Identify evidence-based screening tools

  • Identify evidence-based treatments

  • Identify obstetric, primary care, and mental health provider core competencies for diagnosis and treatment

  • Identify pediatrician, lactation consultant, and doula core competencies for recognition of possible OCD, referral for diagnosis, and support.

  • Produce case studies to illustrate appropriate and inappropriate care, including addressing nuances relative to intrusive thoughts and safety concerns.

  • Produce recommendations to board testing bodies, universities, and higher education accreditation bodies.

Public and Parent Awareness

This committee will:

  • Identify segments of the public who need additional training, which might include but not be limited to: child protective services, law enforcement and public health departments

  • Identify core messaging for these audiences

  • Identify core messaging for parents

  • Identify collaborators and means for distributing awareness

The committees will aim to produce their recommendations in the Fall of 2021.

The following resources provide additional information about perinatal OCD:

Perinatal OCD: What Research Says About Diagnosis and Treatment

Postpartum and Perinatal OCD

Inquiries, questions and comments about this effort may be emailed to or