Death by Depression, Not Suicide

Kate Spade

Kate Spade

Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain


We love this message so much from Bringing Change to Mind we wanted all of our readers to have access to it on our website.

Depression is a horrific illness that affects as many as 10% of Americans at any one time. Depression is a brain disease that can cause confusion and distortions in thinking, as well as interference with basic physiologic functions, including:  sleep, energy, appetite, motor function and more. It is neither self-inflicted nor a moral failure. Depression interferes with cognition (or thinking), making it impossible for the individual to perceive and accurately interpret the environment with a consequent inability to experience pleasure and anticipate the future. The brain’s failure to undertake accurate self-assessment of risks is intrinsic to Depression, with a disruption in sense of self and loss of the basic evolutionary drive for survival; this leads to dangerous behaviors and even death. Death during Depression is not a “self-inflicted” death (suicide) because the sense of self is gone; it is Death by Depression.