Our most Important Work in 2017, and Looking Ahead to 2018
By Joy Burkhard, MBA
2017 was our busiest year yet, we walked the fine line of balancing our passion to drive change and our real ability to do so with limited hours in the day.
Our most substantial achievements this year were release of the California Task Force for MMH white paper in May, building a community of Ambassadors, and launching the Innovation Awards.
Framework for Change: CA White Paper for MMH
The white paper provides a national compilation of research to-date, lifts up national best practices and includes a framework for change for national stakeholder groups and more. The paper also provides the state with a strategic plan and an aggressive goal of having at least 80% of women screened at least once during pregnancy and the postpartum period by an Ob/Gyn by the year 2021 and 100% by 2025. To meet this goal 2020 Mom will help facilitate implementation of the recommendations including legislative action in CA, and 4-5 other priority states.
Next year we will incorporate new research to create a national template report that any state can use to develop their own strategic plan.
The 2020 Mom Community Grew: Ambassadors
After years of outreach by individuals and organizations asking how they can get involved in our work, our team launched the Ambassador Program, which provides "in a box" activities that help raise awareness, funds and promote change for maternal mental health disorders. The signature diaper drive has become a favorite activity, and our March for Moms, allows Ambassadors and others to raise funds and awareness (through distribution of materials like palm cards, balloons and stroller hangers) for their own organizations and 2020 Mom.
In 2018, we are launching the 2020 Mom speaking ambassador project which will empower clinicians trained in MMH to present in their communities and at conferences sharing the systems change opportunities that are cornerstone of the 2020 Mom movement.
Sharing Innovation through The Innovation Awards
There is incredible work happening throughout the U.S. to address MMH and the Innovation Awards program was created to identify programs with creative solutions and proven outcomes. A panel of esteemed judges selected the winners in three categories: Care, Community Programming and Advocacy. The intent is not only to recognize those who have created and implemented such programs but also to help others adopt their models. The awards were presented this year at the Perinatal Mental Health Society Conference in Chicago.
In 2018 we will present the Innovation Awards at the annual Postpartum Support International (PSI) Conference in Houston.
Other 2017 Highlights
2nd Annual Federal Lobby Days in DC. – participants doubled from 2016
Save the Date: May 6-8, 2018 annual Advocacy Days.
The event is being held in conjunction with the second annual "March for Moms" Maternity Care Rally.
Adoption of The Blue Dot Project, to distribute blue dots and raise awareness throughout the U.S. (Look for a refreshed website soon at TheBlueDotProject.org)
The Blue Dot Project will host the 2018 U.S. Maternal Mental Health Awareness social media campaign.
In 2017 over 500 partner organizations signed up to partner and share awareness posts.
Completion of the Community Action Project pilot. Six pilot community coalition sites utilized the toolkit, webinars and technical assistance. These resources will be available in the new 2020 Mom Learning Network in 2018.
View our full 2017 Impact Report Infographic here.
Thank you to our donors, program sponsors and funders.