TheBlueDot was created by Peggy O’Neil Nosti, a mom who suffered from postpartum anxiety with her third child who wanted to find a way to let other moms know they were not alone. Peggy created a subtle image of a blue dot and a silver lining to illustrate hope.
The symbol was selected by the former National Coalition for Maternal Mental Health after one of its member organizations, Postpartum Support International hosted a contest to seek symbol ideas. The symbol is now being used in multiple ways to promote awareness and solidarity.
In 2017 the rights to TheBlueDot were signed over to 2020 Mom to further promote the symbol through Maternal Mental Health Awareness week and strategic partnerships.
Just like the widely accepted pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness, a blue dot symbol may be used by anyone to promote awareness of maternal mental health disorders.
In 2018, began to host the national Maternal Mental Health awareness week campaign (held in May each year), anchored around the blue dot symbol.
In early 2023, the rights to TheBlueDotProject including and related social media brands, were signed over to Postpartum Support International to further propel the reach of both the blue dot symbol, the light blue color and the TheBlueDotProject story. Visit to learn more and get engaged in:
proliferating the blue dot,
raising awareness of maternal mental health disorders, and
combating stigma and shame.