2024 FORUM — March 19-20
2023 FORUM
The Maternal Mental Health (MMH) FORUM is where cross-sector change agents convene, take in cutting-edge and critical content, and network with colleagues who are also working to close gaps in maternal mental health.
Thought leaders from around the country joined us for the 13th annual Maternal Mental Health FORUM.
The FORUM was all-virtual again this year with a focus on investing in systems change and families to reap rewards. The FORUM included mainstage and breakout sessions, and small group regional and topic networking sessions.
Though it was open to all change agents, this year, the FORUM was designed for leaders from the following primary audiences, who are positioned to lead systems change:
Payors (Health Insurers, Medicaid Agencies, Employers)
Policymakers (Legislative and Agencies in state and federal government)
Providers (Obstetric clinics, hospitals, and health systems)
Partners (Philanthropy, Nonprofit Organizations, Community-Based Organizations, and Researchers)
Highlights from the 2023 FORUM:
Champion Sponsor
Luminary Sponsors
Hero Sponsor
Advocate Sponsors
Recordings of the mainstage and breakout presentations (excluding the Opening Keynote session with Dr. Perry) will be available to registrants within seven days of the event in the Whova app for a three-month period. CEUs/CMEs are not offered for this event.
Tentative Schedule
Recordings of the mainstage and breakout presentations (excluding the Opening Keynote session with Dr. Perry) will be available to registrants within seven days of the event in the Whova app for a three-month period. CEUs/CMEs are not offered for this event.
#MMHFORUM2023 #MaternalMentalHealth #PlantingSeeds4MMH
Here are a few of our favorite moments from past FORUMs:
2022 FORUM
2021 FORUM
Learn more about past FORUMs here.