Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities
Webinar sponsorship is an effective way to gain brand visibility and show your support for one of the most pressing public health issues of our time, maternal mental health.
Sponsorship Levels
$5,000 - Sponsor 1 Webinar
$10,000 - Sponsor 3 Webinars
2020 Mom hosts 5-7 webinars each year
on emerging topics aimed at closing gaps in maternal mental health care, including sharing new tools/research, effective solutions, and resources to implement change.
2020 Mom Webinars typically run 60 to 90 minutes in length
and include a fireside chat style Q&A and conversation among presenters.
Webinars are marketed to our network of 20K+ through
Email blasts
Website promotion
Social Media posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Other outlets as available
Our webinars, on average, attract 600+ registrants
including leaders in health delivery, government, non-profit advocacy groups, and more.
Benefits of Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized and named as the sponsor in all marketing materials, including the company name and logo.
One recognition slide with logo at the beginning of the webinar and one slide with copy provided by sponsors (if desired).
To secure your sponsorship, please contact Kelly.Nielson@PolicyCenterMMH.org